Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Searching from out of town

Hi Win,
Thank you for sharing your insights at the BU alumni event last night at the Princeton Club. I found your advice to be very helpful and wanted to touch base with you. I was in the audience and had a question, but didn't have a chance to ask.

Currently I live in Boston and am looking to relocate to New York City, but am finding it to be a challenge in the NY job search being a non-NY candidate. Do you have any advice in overcoming the disadvantage of being a non-local candidate? Some people have advised for me to use a NY address on my resume, but I'm not sure if I should do that. However, I know that this method has worked in some cases. I am applying to mostly positions in retail buying/apparel at an entry to mid level.

Thanks for your help.


Hi Greta,
Use the fact that you are in Boston to your advantage. Hone your presentation and your positioning with experts in Boston. You will be able to say honestly that you do not want to work for them and so they will not have to hold back. It is also not hard to believe that they will have contacts in New York. Keep your Boston address!
